Generals Elite Structures
No Prerequisites:
Command Center (China Version): Similar to Generals,
but comes with free radar.
Cold Fusion Reactor: Same as from Generals.
Barracks (China Version): Same as from Generals.
Requires Cold Fusion Reactor:
Supply Center (US version): Same as from Generals.
Patriot Missile System: Same as from Generals.
Requires Barracks:
Tunnel Network: Same as from Generals.
Bunker: Same as from Generals.
Requires Supply Center:
Arms Dealer: Similar to Generals, but cost decreased
to 2000.
Air Field (China Version): Same as from Generals.
Requires Arms Dealer or Airfield:
Strategy Center: Same as from Generals.
Requires Strategy Center:
Internet Center: Same as from Generals.
SCUD Storm: Similar to Generals, but shuts down when
player has a shortage of power.